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(1 edit)

It's fun and relaxing until it crashes. And so far in my experience, it always crashes. After a little while of playing, it just inevitably freezes.

If it helps, the partial console log when it freezes is:

Uncaught RuntimeError: null function or function signature mismatch    Pixel Game Jam 2024 (Aqua Theme).js:84

    at 0883753a:0x336099
    at 0883753a:0x251d71
    at 0883753a:0x33d8cf
    at 0883753a:0x3395d1
    at 0883753a:0x336099
    at 0883753a:0x251d71
    at 0883753a:0x33d8cf
    at 0883753a:0x1f90d0
    at 0883753a:0x9cd977
    at 0883753a:0x1089d93

I can get the full log if necessary, but at a glance the stack mostly looks like a recursive animation frame/main-loop scheduler call chain.


Thanks for letting us know, we're working on the fix at the moment and adding some more features before reuploading!

Cool game, but can you make it downloadable for Windows? I really like this game.

Will work on fixing some issues and reuploading a downloadable version somewhere! Glad you like it!

Nice game, reminds me of "cat goes fishing" !

But at some point i got an amount of "null" coins, and after that the game crashed.

But great game.

Haven't heard of that, sounds fun I'll look it up!

Thanks for playing, hopefully the bugs didn't ruin your experience too much! Will look into fixing them after the jam for sure.

Really cool game simple and works great, feels satisfying to play.

Glad you liked it, thanks for playing!!